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Date(s) - 11/06/2015 - 11/08/2015
12:00 am
4 Seasons Golf Course
Category(ies) No Categories
11/6/2015 – 11/8/2015 — Columbus, OH (C) HORIZON INDOOR ELECTRIC FESTIVAL. Site: 4 Seasons Golf Course. Terry Nitsch CD PH: 614.877.3453 Email: tnitsch@columbus.rr.com. Visit: www.horizonindoor.com. 15/1588. Great indoor event. 3 full days of indoor open flying. Manufacturers, Float flying, Jets, and Micro. Bullseye target, Micro air races, combat and night flying. Sponsor: COLUMBUS INDOOR FLYERS ASSOC
5000 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43213